
Grants and Financial Assistance

Organizations offering Grants and Financial AssistanceA list of organizations which offer aid to families (in NJ) affected by autism


CASANA (The Childhood Apraxia of Speech Association of North America) 
Alana Fichtelberg is listed in CASANA’s Directory of Professionals

From Michelle Garcia Winner’s website

What is Social Thinking®?

Explaining Social Thinking® to Others – The Big Picture in Sound Bites

Social Thinking® Fact Sheet – Core Facts and Theories

The Recipe for Improving Social Skills Begins with Social Thinking ® – Parents of children with social learning challenges are often told that their children need to learn better “social skills” (i.e. teaching them specific rules on how to behave in different social situations – at school, at home, and in the community). But are these “skills” really helping them to be more socially savvy in the real world? From Michelle Garcia Winner’s blog.

Moving Beyond Teaching Social Skills  –  Discusses the difference between teaching Social Thinking and Social Skills, and why social thinking is so necessary — we can’t just abide by social rules, since there really aren’t any that will always apply to all situations.

This program, including its leader, is not affiliated with, nor has it been reviewed, approved, or endorsed by Michelle Garcia Winner and Think Social Publishing, Inc.