Training Curriculum

V. Streitaxe (Pollaxe)


Absetzen means "setting aside", and it refers to a single-time thrust with opposition.

Figure 1 Figure 2
figure 1 figure 2 When you are in the Guard of the Low Dague and your opponent attacks with an Oberschlag you simply thrust your hands forward and up to execute a Double Oberstich (a two-handed thrust from above) into your opponent’s face.

Your left hand should be pushed out to your left in the final position, not tight against your head. You will probably want to lunge in conjunction with the technique.
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Video of complete move:
As with the Schielhau, it’s imperative that you don’t attempt to block your opponent’s attack; just do the technique as if his attack wasn’t there, allowing his strike to crash harmlessly against your shaft as you do so.